Our Team

Don Otis

Founder, President/CEO
For the first 22 years of his career, Don Otis was the manager of Adventist Book Centers in the states of Pennsylvania, Nevada and Massachusetts, successfully managing and learning the retail and foodservice side of the vegetarian food business.

Jon Fish

VP of Marketing
Jon Fish has been in the advertising industry since 1995, and worked with Don from the start of Heritage, and helped deliver our brand look and feel. Jon has managed advertising budgets ranging from a few thousand dollars per month to over $4 million.

Jay Jones

Vice President of Sales
Jay has over 26 years of sales experience. He has represented food company brands from $4 Million to $85 Million in sales. His expertise in developing and pioneering distribution in retail, club, and food service channels provides significant value to Heritage Health Food and its customers.

Sean Otis

Director of Operations

Kenneth Mallette

As a CPA in the accounting field for over 15 years, Ken’s experience spans a wide variety of industries. From multinational, multibillion dollar organizations, to smaller family owned businesses.

Eric Otis

Director of Production

Brandon Otis

Regional Sales Manager

Lonna Otis & Emma

 Accounting/HR & Assistant 

Corinna Lane

Administrative Assistant
Corinna has been a part of Heritage Health Food and Kim’s Simple Meals since their inception. In addition to being our CEO’s executive assistant, Corinna is our secret weapon in the kitchen, the friendly voice on the other end of the phone when you call with questions and our major events organizer.

Kim Otis

Director of Research & Development for Kim’s Simple Meals

Corey Newmyer

Regional Sales Manager

Corey started with Heritage in 2011 and has been a valuable addition to our team. From production line to demo team and out in the field, Corey brings a smile wherever he goes!

Rob Gonyea


Daniel Myers

Director of Corporate Opportunities & Research

Daniel is a scientist by study, but an entrepreneur by trade. As a 2016 graduate of the University of the South, Daniel has sought to familiarize himself with all forms of entrepreneurship both in Germany and the United States from Silicon Valley to Chattanooga, TN. Daniel also speaks fluent German.